6 Facts About Cedar Fever That You Should Know


6 Facts About Cedar Fever That You Should Know

Cedar fever is a seasonal allergy caused by mountain cedar tree pollen, primarily affecting people in regions like Texas and the southern U.S. It occurs mainly in winter, peaking between December and February. Symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and even flu-like symptoms such as fatigue and mild fever. Cedar pollen is extremely fine and spreads easily through the air, making it hard to avoid. Windy days worsen symptoms due to higher pollen dispersion. Over-the-counter antihistamines, nasal sprays, and allergy shots can help manage symptoms. Wearing masks, using air purifiers, and staying indoors on high-pollen days can reduce exposure and discomfort.

What is Cedar Fever?

‌Cedar fever, also referred to as allergic rhinitis, isn’t exactly what it sounds like. It’s not flu, and it’s not a virus — it’s an extreme allergy. Cedar fever is common in areas with a lot of mountain cedar or juniper trees. These trees release a large amount of allergy-causing pollen, and it overwhelms the body.

Here are the 6 Facts about the Cedar fever

1. Seasonal Occurrence: Cedar fever happens in winter, usually from December to February, due to mountain cedar tree pollen.

2. Flu-Like Symptoms: It causes sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, congestion, fatigue, and even mild fever, mimicking a cold or flu.

3. High Pollen Spread: Cedar pollen is extremely fine and can travel long distances, making it hard to avoid, especially on windy days.

4. Worsened by Weather: Dry, windy conditions increase pollen levels, leading to more severe allergy symptoms.

5. Treatment Options: Antihistamines, nasal sprays, and allergy shots help manage symptoms, while home remedies like steam inhalation can provide relief.

6. Prevention Strategies: Wearing masks, keeping windows closed, using air purifiers, and monitoring pollen forecasts can help reduce exposure.

Common Symptoms of Cedar Fever:

Cedar fever, an allergic reaction to pollen from mountain cedar trees, primarily affects individuals in regions like Central Texas during the winter months, especially from December to February. The symptoms can often be mistaken for those of a cold or flu due to their similarity. Here are the common symptoms associated with cedar fever:

  • Sneezing: Frequent and intense sneezing is a hallmark symptom.
  • Itchy, Watery Eyes: This includes redness and swelling, often described as extremely uncomfortable.
  • Runny Nose: A significant runny nose is common, caused by inflammation of the nasal passages.
  • Nasal Congestion: Swelling can lead to difficulty breathing through the nose.
  • Sore Throat: Many experience a sore throat as a result of post-nasal drip.
  • Fatigue: Extreme tiredness is frequently reported among those suffering from cedar fever.
  • Mild Fever: While not a true fever, some individuals may experience a slight increase in body temperature.
  • Difficulty Smelling: Partial loss of smell can occur due to nasal congestion.
  • Dry Cough: A persistent dry cough may also be present.

Overview of Cedar fever Treatment :

1. Antihistamines:

  • Over-the-counter options like loratadine or cetirizine help block histamine, reducing sneezing, itching, and runny nose.
  • Fast-acting relief is often experienced within an hour, with non-drowsy formulations available for daytime use.

2. Nasal Corticosteroids:

  • Sprays such as fluticasone or mometasone reduce nasal inflammation, easing congestion and sinus pressure.
  • Regular use can prevent flare-ups and treat the underlying cause rather than just masking symptoms.

3. Saline Nasal Rinses:

  • Using saline solutions or neti pots helps flush out allergens from nasal passages, providing relief from congestion and irritation.
  • This method is safe for frequent use and reduces post-nasal drip.

4. Decongestants:

  • Available in oral or nasal spray forms, these medications constrict blood vessels in the nasal passages to alleviate congestion.
  • Caution is advised with prolonged use to avoid rebound congestion.

5. Immunotherapy:

  • Allergy shots or sublingual drops build tolerance to cedar pollen over time, offering long-term relief.
  • This treatment can reduce reliance on medications and may provide lasting benefits even after completion.


Cedar fever is a common winter allergy caused by mountain cedar pollen, leading to flu-like symptoms such as sneezing, congestion, and fatigue. Its severity increases on dry, windy days due to high pollen spread. While it can be uncomfortable, symptoms can be managed with medications, home remedies, and preventive measures like wearing masks and using air purifiers. Understanding its causes and treatments can help reduce its impact and improve comfort during allergy season.


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