Intermittent Fasting: Benefits and Nutritional Considerations


Intermittent Fasting: Benefits and Nutritional Considerations

A deeply rooted Indian culture practice for the spiritual and health purpose. In addition to the centuries-long tradition set by cultures, modern science is now casting its lights on the health benefits of fasting, ranging from managing weight to metabolic health. However, when combined with mindful nutritional choices, this ancient practice represents a potent rejuvenation for both body and mind. Learn how to fast healthily in combination with appropriate dietary considerations suitable for the Indian context.

What is intermittent fasting, and how does it work?

Many people believe that intermittent fasting (IF) promotes weight loss, better health, and a simpler lifestyle. It is a well-liked health trend. Intermittent fasting is periods of eating and other periods of no eating, which might be referred to as "cycles" or "schedules." It is not a way of starving, but limiting some calories for short periods while drinking, for example, water, black coffee, or tea, during the periods of fasting. This theory is that your body would respond to eating smaller portions of meals or lessen unneeded cravings for snacks as long as your diet is balanced. 

Overview of intermittent fasting (IF) and its popularity in India

Intermittent fasting (IF) is the most popular time-restricted eating schedule adopted by people towards weight control and an improvement in metabolic health across India. The Indian food culture is so diverse and dynamic, and so is the meal pattern, that it varies in the cultural backdrop; IF can easily fall into this trap. 

Here is a comprehensive guide to types, benefits, tips, suitable Indian foods, and challenges with a few popular schedules for intermittent fasting in the Indian theme.

  • Intermittent fasting has held promise in improving cholesterol levels and reducing factors associated with heart disease, although several research studies have suggested that certain versions of this practice are detrimental to health. 
  • For example, recent important research published at the American Heart Association's conference in 2024 found that time-restricted eating, a practice in which eating occurs during an 8-hour window, increased the risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease by 91% compared with a standard diet.
  • In India, IF remains increasingly trendy as people seek naturalistic ways of losing weight, increasing energy levels, and improving general health without strict diets. 
  • More and more find it to be a practical, sustainable tool that just fits with life in general. Metabolic health, diabetes prevention, and weight management increase awareness and therefore their embracing of IF in healthy trends in India. 
  • Despite the dangers, its flexibility and benefits attract people in search of holistic health treatments.

What are the Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting In India?

These are the health benefits of Intermittent Fasting in India:

  • Weight Loss and Fat Loss: IF maximizes the stored fat burning by adding to the periods of calorie deficit for the burning down of extra weight. It speeds up metabolism and promotes fat burning during fasting.
  • Better Insulin Sensitivity: Because IF lowers insulin resistance, blood sugar regulation is improved. This helps prevent or manage type 2 diabetes.
  • Reduced Inflammation: According to some studies, IF could lower inflammation markers that are very important in many chronic diseases, like heart disease and arthritis.
  • Improved Heart Health: IF has been associated with the improvement of cholesterol levels, low blood pressure, and decreased triglycerides-all of which contribute to healthier cardiovascular functions.
  • Better Brain Function: Probably the best-supported increase in production due to fasting is of brain-derived neurotrophic factors, often described as a protein that keeps the brain healthy. IF could reduce one's risk of neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Better Digestive Health: Time to Rest the Digestive System. IF might actually improve digestive health by providing the digestive system with the time to rest, reduce bloating, and enhance digestion.
  • One of the domains helped by IF is metabolic health improvement; it enhances insulin sensitivity, thus minimizing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This is because IF stabilizes blood sugar levels and lowers insulin resistance, which may lead to better metabolic function. Its chief role also comprises managing blood pressure and cholesterol levels, hence supporting cardiovascular health in general.

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a fasting schedule that can induce autophagy to remove damaged cells through lysosomal recycling. 

  • Self-growth that potentially slows aging.
  • It also reduces inflammation.
  • One of the most significant contributors in diseases like heart and diabetes conditions. 
  • Such positive effects hint that IF could indeed prevent age-related diseases and extend lifespan.

Despite the fact that most of these fasting methods contribute to weight loss and the improvement of metabolic health, little is known to determine which approach is the best one. Much remains to be learned about the best duration of fasting, number of days per week spent fasting, degree of caloric restriction on fasting days, and diet composition on days not fasting. Further studies are required to make such recommendations clear.

How to Safely Implement Intermittent Fasting in India?

There are different ways to enter into an intermittent fasting plan and what may work for one person does not work for another. Some say that there must be an amount involved with different schedules that works best.

The following are essential guidelines for executing intermittent fasting (IF) safely:

  • Start Slowly: Begin with shorter periods of fasting (12 hours) and gradually increase to longer durations.
  • Stay Hydrate: During periods of fasting consume a lot of water and other calorie-free fluids such as herbal teas, black coffee
  • Nutrient-Dense Feeding: Strive for whole, balanced meals comprising of lean proteins, healthy fats, with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid Overeating: Do not eat excessively when you are allowed to eat - reach mindful eating to avoid taking in extra calories.
  • Listen to your body: Be attentive and responsive to dizziness, fatigue, and any other discomforts by regulating the level of fasting.
  • See a Health Care Provider: Consult a doctor in case of underlying health conditions prior to entering into IF.

The main mechanisms by which time-restricted eating results in weight loss are caloric restriction. When you restrict the time period that you are eating and maintain your diet normal, you probably will end up consuming fewer calories. This will bring slow weight loss on average, between 3% to 8%. This can also benefit other important markers of cardiometabolic risk, including blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar concentrations.

Popular techniques for intermittent fasting (IF) include a few of the following: 

  • 16/8 Method: This diet requires you to fast for 16 hours. You will be eating in the range of 8 hours in your day. For instance, you could eat between noon and 8 pm. Then you'd have to abstain from food until noon the very next day.
  • 5:2 Diet: A diet protocol, wherein calorie restriction is followed from 500 to 600 calories on two days and regular eating on five days.
  • 12/12 Method: For instance, go for 12 hours without eating and eat for the remaining 12 hours. For example, from 7 am to 7 pm.

Routine fasting in 448 patients studied in Utah results in lower weight, lower fasting glucose, and decreased risk of diabetes and coronary stenosis. Healthy lifestyle is achieved by Seventh-day Adventists who live about 7.3 years longer than other white adults. This is due to a diet based on plants, not smoking, and exercise. Many Adventists follow a pattern of two meals a day, which stretches the fast period overnight, though this has not been studied fully on the health effects. [1] [2] [3]


In conclusion, intermittent fasting appears to have various benefits. These include weight reduction and improved metabolic health and, indeed, better chronic diseases management such as that of diabetes and heart disease. Though it has lately been adopted globally, from the developed world to the developing ones, including India, any form of fasting must be balanced with proper diet to ensure nutritional adequacy. It is by focusing on the right method of fasting for every individual's goals and health status that maximum benefit can be attained. Be healthy, stay strong, and I hope you find this guide helpful on your wellness journey.


1. Can Fasting Intermittently Improve Metabolic Health?
Yes, this could aid in the betterment of metabolic health by means of enhanced sensitivity towards insulin; decreases the inflammation and results in better blood sugar control. This usually lowers down the probabilities of developing conditions concerning metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
2. What are the best foods to eat when breaking a fast?
Breaking a fast should be done with light foods, preferably fruits or soups, and smoothies. Then, referring to the meals, lean proteins, healthy fats, and good amounts of vegetables rich in fibers should facilitate a gradual impact on the digestive system.
3. Is intermittent fasting safe for everybody?
Although it is safe for most people, intermittent fasting is not recommended for everyone. It is not advisable for people with diabetes or some kinds of eating disorders. Those who are pregnant or have chronic diseases should see a healthcare provider first.

Dr. Alakha AS, BAMS

Dr. Alakha AS, BAMS

Dr. Alakha graduated, BAMS physician from MGR University P.S. Varier Ayurveda College in Kottakkal


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