What is Emblica Officinalis? A Deep Dive into Amla

Amritha phala the Indian gooseberry
Over 2000 years, Ayurveda introduced numerous herbal medicines to the world. And it says each plant in the world has a medicinal property, but why is amla the best among them? Why is it called amritha phala? Let's find out.
Emblica officinalis is the botanical name of the Indian gooseberry; in Sanskrit, it's amalaki, amla, dhatri, shriphal, etc. In India it has variant names: in Tamil, nellikai; in Malayalam, nellikai; in Hindi, amla; and in Kannada, nelli.
Now the amla is the classical Indian herb considered to be an auspicious medicine because of its sacred property. Why? Because amla is widely used in the form of rasayana and aphrodisiac. Ayurveda gives major roles to amla because of its quality; from chyavanaprasha to till now, amla has been the major ingredient for all Indian medicinal formulations because of its numerous properties and availability.Amla benefits include antibacterial & astringent properties that help improve the body's immune system. Indian gooseberries also increase white blood cells. acts best in loss of taste & appetite, anorexia, constipation, liver disorders, peptic diseases ascites and piles through its properties of digestion; a laxative effect is also there
100 gm of amla contains:
- Calories: 33 kilocalories
- Protein less than 1 gm
- Fat less than 1 gram
- Carbohydrates: 10 gm
- Fiber 30 gm
- Sugar 4 gm
- Vitamin C: 700 milligrams
- Iron: 1.2 milligrams
Amla in Ayurveda:
For thousands of years, in Ayurveda, amla is considered the best in rejuvenating and aphrodisiac effects. So it's called the amritha phala because of its presence of ambrosial effect. We will get the effect through freshly or ayurvedic medicinal formulation.
How it became amritha, a person who entered into the garden of amalaki. The person should prick them with his own hand while uttering the Brahma mantra. It makes the amalaki an ambrosiac effect due to the sacred effect of mantra. Thus, it becomes sweet like honey, unctuous, and soft in nature.
In Ayurveda, Amla is considered the purest rasayana. Why? Because it contains extra vitamin C. provides healthy skin and hair, improves the kidneys and liver's function, and promotes longevity, memory, and anti-aging properties
- Triphala: Which means three fruits, which contain amalaki, bibhitaki, and haritaki. This Indian herbal medicinal formulation is used for many seasonal and serious conditions, including cleansing, healthy digestive tract, better vision, alleviating dosa, etc.
- Chyavanaprashan: It is a traditional Ayurvedic Indian formulation used worldwide for your skin, nourishment, the enlivening of cells, degenerative disease, and boosting the immune system. It is a blend of the format of variant Indian herbs in a classical jam format.
- VITAMIN-C: Amla is considered to be a king of Vitamin C, and it produces major benefits for good skin and healthy hair, improving immunity and cardiovascular health. Iron-deficiency anemia boosts the production of collagen.
Health Benefits of amla
- Rich Source of. Vitamin C: Amla is the only fruit that can contain 600–700 mg of vitamin C.
- Help to prevent heart disease: Lots of studies prove that by reducing cholesterol levels, it will improve your blood circulation and enhance cardiac function. The presence of vitamin C is helpful for this process.
- improve immune system: The Indian gooseberry enhances immune cell function, helping the body fight infections & illnesses.
- Purifying blood and keeping the body cool: Amla had a cleaning effect; it evacuated the toxic substance from the body, and while this process was happening, blood became clean and the body temperature became normal.
- Promote hair health: Presence of high concentration of nutrients like vitamins C and E, which helps provide faster hair regrowth; vitamin E is helpful for strengthening the hair follicles.
- Helpful in hyperacidity and indigestion: Intake of amla in juice form helps to reduce these kinds of symptoms.
- Improve metabolic activity: Which means whatever you consume, including solid or liquid, your intestine properly digests it and transfers it into the energy form; amla plays a major role in your metabolism.
- Relieve diarrhea and dysentery: The astringent property reduces the effect of diarrhea and dysentery, and laxative feet soothe the effect; it also prevents heartburn and constipation.
- Support fertility: It will be helpful for both male and female infertility. In males, it's good for sperm quality; in females, it improves the uterus function.
- Treat fatty liver: In Ayurveda, it's considered to be the best Indian herbal medicine for making liver tonic for boosting liver health because it removes the toxin from the body.
- Improve gut health: High fiber contents of amla improve bowel movement and initiate proper digestion and cleanse the digestive tract and reduce the symptoms of IBS.
- Treat diabetes mellitus: India used amla for diabetes mellitus from far before thousands of years; it's easy to take 2-3 amla and boil it with water; take it in the early morning with an empty stomach. Best for insulin resistance
- Treat hypertension: Amla is best for treating high cholesterol because of the vitamin C. Thus, it improves the oxidative level and opens up the blood vessels for better circulation.
- Treat Scurvy: Scurvy occurred due to vitamin C deficiency. And amla is a rich source of vitamin C, so it can be easily treated with oral intake.
- Reduce weight: Because of the presence of high fiber and low calories, it helps to reduce immediate weight loss, and improving gut health may be helpful for fast digestion and elimination.
- Rich in antioxidants: Ascorbic acid, gallic acid, and phenolic compounds are the main antioxidants in Indian gooseberry.
- Lower bad cholesterol LDL: Indian gooseberry seems to work by reducing total cholesterol levels. Treat peptic ulcer properties, which may help heal the stomach lining, especially in people with gastric ulcers.
- Cure respiratory disease: Amla's anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce the severity of asthma attacks.
- Regulate the urinary system: Beneficial in treating bladder infections; take amla juice with honey, which improves the urinary system.
- Relieve menstrual cramps: Amlas help regulate the menstrual cycle and strengthen the uterus. It also contains antioxidants that expel toxins in the uterus during menstrual cycles.
- Mental functioning: Increases in oxidative stress are the major issue of the anxiety and collapse of the mood. So the antioxidants and vitamin C are helpful for improving brain activity.nourishes the brain and cognitive functioning to help with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)
- Treat anemia: Enriched with iron & high fiber content, Indian gooseberry easily treats the anemic condition.
- Absorbs calcium: Amla helps in better absorption of calcium in the body.
- Improve kidney health: Anti-inflammatory properties help to improve kidney health and renal functional activity.
- Premature aging of skin: The decoction prepared with amla branch has a rich source of antioxidants and helps the skin from premature improvements. Alleviate skin allergy to wrinkles, skin elasticity & hydration, and also possibly reduce nonmelanoma skin cancer.
Amla for skin:
Amla considers us to be a god of skin, why? Because of its availability in Indian rural areas, it's the best remedy for the glow, shiny skin, and anti-wrinkle property.
- Antioxidant: Because of the presence of vitamin C, amla is considered to be good for glowing skin and fine lines.It improves overall skin tone.Anti-aging—this property reduced the presence of wrinkles of skin and fine lines.Studies reveal that bioactive compounds in amla branch extract are helpful for anti-aging skin.
- UV protector: Consumption of amla helps to prevent the effect of harmful UV radiation on skin.
- Anti-inflammatory: The property of Amla helps to reduce any kind of infection present in the skin.Reduce the sunburn, tan caused by UV radiation.
- Hydration: The Indian gooseberry is helpful for reducing dry skin. It hydrates the skin really well. Skin elasticity and firmness improved by the continuous intake of amla.
- Dark spots and blemishes: Amla reduces the presence of dark spots, blemishes, and high pigmentation in the Y zone of the face.It improves the brightness of the skin and reduces the pigmentation. It produces a soothing effect on skin and reduces the breakout.
- Cleansing: The diuretic property of amla helps to eliminate the unwanted waste particles in the body and keep the skin and body "nourished and enlivened.
- Exfoliate: Amla works as an exfoliant on it. Remove the dead cell and rejuvenate the skin.The astringent properties of Amla help to tighten up the skin texture.
- Blood purifier: Amla acts as a blood purifier; it helps to give you a pimple-free face.
- Skin cancer: Amla has the best anti-cancerous properties and acts as the best Indian herb for non-melanoma skin cancer.
- Antioxidants: vitamins C and E, play a major role in skin beauty. Because of this, antioxidants help to reduce the anti-aging of skin and maintain the natural shine.
Why is Amka a rejuvenator?
Amla is most commonly used in many rejuvenating medicinal preparations, such as chyawanprash, because of its excellent anti-aging properties, which regain youthfulness, so it's mostly used in old people to postpone the aging process. In Ayurveda, some interesting ways are explained, something like a man who followed celibacy and controlled all sensory organs at the time of 15 days leading to the full moon day, entered into the garden of amalaki and picked the fruits by himself with chanting some mantra, giving the ambrosiac effects to the fruit. It was used for making various medicinal formulations, especially those that had rejuvenating properties, aphrodisiac, immunomodulatory, and antioxidant effects.As well as the aphrodisiac quality, it is helpful for those who have infertility issues. But should fill some other treatments related to it for a better result. So it was brilliant, like God, blessed with auspicious power and divine quality. This traditional Indian drug enhances cardiac mitochondrial and contractile functions and improves cardiac function.
Generally, the dose is 1-2 teaspoons twice daily after meals with warm water or milk.
Amla for hair
From ancient days, amla was used in India for the growth of hair. From our hours hold, it started and made a major improvement for your hair. If you are adding a handful of dried amla fruit powder or decoction into coconut oil, it is used as the best herbal oil for perfect, silky, and healthy hair. Here we go with some part of amla for the hair.
Hair strength, in a way, strengthens the hair follicles and prevents the thinning of hair; it will help with the regrowth of hair and give strength to the hair follicles.
- Best coverage: Protect hair from dust and pollution and reduce the damages and dryness; reduce hair fall from the damage.
- Anti-dandruff: Control dandruff, and the cleansing property clears the reappearance of dandruff from your scalp.
- Gray hair: Restore the graying of hair and give shine to dull hair
- Cleaning property: Cleans the scalp from the dust particles & nourishes it
- Hair thickening: It boosts the hair thickness. And improve the growth of baby hairs
- Healthy hair: Vitamin C is important for collagen produced by the amla to help the health of hair. Also, vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, and it fights against hair loss.
- Hair conditioner: Natural hair conditioners (especially for dry hair & amla with suitable oil) give moisture to hair
- Pigmentation: Improve hair pigmentation due to lack of sleep and reduced absorption of vitamins and supportive factors.
- Treats head lice: made the amla into a thick decoction and eventually applied it to the scalp area
- Better blood circulation: Improving blood circulation of the head will improve the growth and quality of hair.
In old days, amla could be used as a henna form with some other Indian herbal medicine and applied over the scalp and hair areas and kept for 30 minutes. After that, wash it thoroughly. Also in the form of paste, or any kind of medicated oil, juice, etc., it also eventually sprays into the scalp and hair for better results.Make sure it should stay in hair for at least 30 minutes to one hour; for deep conditioning, leave it overnight, except for those people with a prior running nose.
Amla with ashwagandha
Both are considered to be rasayana and aphrodisiac medicines in Ayurveda. Amla is used for nourishment and immunity, etc. The same as ashwagandha acts as a major medicine to relieve mental stress and improve the functional activities of the brain; if both are used at once, ashwagandha will be the main ingredient, and amla will act as a mediator or a catalyst to initiate the function more perfectly. Both of them can be used for rasayana effect, aphrodisiac, skin and hair health, immunity booster, fertility, muscle, and cardiac function, etc. Ayurveda gave a major role to both classic Indian herbs in the treatment field.
How to include amla in diet
- Dietary Supplement: It's commonly present in our household and easily available in market so intake of raw form is mostly advisable because of an abundant source of vitamin C, with 100g of amla containing around 700mg of this essential nutrient. For health purposes, people often consume its juice to boost immunity.
- Ayurvedic Medicine: Amla has been perfect medicine for Ayurvedic medicine and practices for over a thousand years. It's a key ingredient in Chyawanprash, a popular Ayurvedic tonic consumed to build immunity against colds, coughs, and other infections, used by old people to regain their youthfulness.
- Culinary Uses: Amla is used to make chutneys, raitas, pickles, and subzis. Some people add it to curry.
- Juices and Smoothies: One of the easiest ways to include amla mixed up with some other fruits or veggies in your diet is to create nutritious drinks.
- Cocktails and mojitos: In this modern era, the most available and easiest way to consume amla
- Candy or gummies: The candy formula is widely accepted and easy to use. Mostly perfect for hair growth and skin glow supplements
- Pastes: Amla can be taken in the form of paste; chutney will help to consume it in the most nutritious way.
- Powder: Dried amla made it into a powder form. Intake in the early morning ,empty stomach with a glass of lukewarm water, it acts as the best laxative.
- Natural Remedy: Amla is used to address various health concerns. It's believed to help manage diabetes, control blood pressure, aid digestion, and support liver function.
- Amla leaves: Used for henna preparation, for reduce the frizziness of hair and gave natural smooth and shine
Side effects of amla
1. Some might experience allergic reactions, including itching, swelling, etc.
May chance to produce fever, headache,
Excessive intake may cause heartburn and gastric issues.
Reductions in blood glucose level
Digestive problems may be caused by high intake of the fibrous content of amla.
2. Possibility to reduce blood pressure, also not good for those who use blood thinners or highly potent medicines. Why? Because Amla produces blood-thinning properties, it should not be taken by those who consume anticoagulant medication. It increases the risk of excessive bleeding.
3. In a sensitive stomach, amla may trigger acidity or irritability for the stomach.
4. Excessive intake may cause dehydration (due to diuretic properties).
Due to the laxative property, overconsumption may cause loose motion and weakness.
Amla's acidity can erode tooth enamel and cause fasten tooth decay.
5. Too much amla negatively impacts hair, causing excessive dryness. In some people it will cause scalp irritation.
Intake of amla more than 4/day causes skin dryness & hair dryness.
Being a natural coolant, amla, in some people, can increase urine frequency.
6. Consuming amla juice in high quantities can cause constipation and hardening of the stool.
Its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, gastroprotective, anti-diabetic, antimicrobial, neuroprotective, and cardioprotective properties show that Amla has an acceptable safety profile in the health industry while providing enormous potential for the management of a healthy lifestyle and managing different diseases. Amla may help with preventing the growth of cancerous tumors and alleviating gastrointestinal symptoms. In addition, people have used Indian gooseberry traditionally for healthy skin and hair. Build a defense against viruses and bacteria. All over the world, plant-derived drugs are extensively utilized as nutraceuticals for primary health care. Most of the Indian herbal medicines play a major role in this. So all over the world, the growth and research of Indian herbal formulations result in reducing the side effects and improving the health quality as well. Plant products have widely been used as the basis of numerous therapeutic treatments in humans. In that case, amla (Emblica officinalis) fruits have been used in the management of diseases since ancient times, and laboratory studies have confirmed its role in the inhibition of various pathogenesis. However, one must always consume it in moderation. or consult with a doctor before using herbal remedies or medicine, especially if they are for any health-related condition
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
1. What is the recommended dose of amla?
One tbsp. per day is suggested on an empty stomach. Amla Juice - 3-4 teaspoons once or twice a day. Amla Powder - ¼-½ teaspoon twice a day; taking amla after every meal is also recommended. always ask a doctor before using it instead
2. Does Indian gooseberry interact with medications?
Medications that slow blood clotting (anticoagulant/antiplatelet drugs) interact with Indian gooseberry. Indian gooseberries might slow blood clotting. Taking Indian gooseberry along with medications that also slow blood clotting might increase the risk of bruising and bleeding.
3. Is amla suitable for everyone?
It had some negative impact that I mentioned above. Also, mostly there are those who intake highly sensitive medication, such as blood thinners, anti-hypertensives, and diabetes drugs, and always ask a doctor before using it.
4. Is Amla hepatotoxic or not?
Amla is not hepatotoxic, but it has hepatoprotective properties. That's why Amla can help the liver to filter the toxins from the body and protect it from damage. also help to control liver inflammation and prevent conditions of liver disease
5. Is this safe during pregnancy?
There is no side effect of having amla during pregnancy. Indian gooseberries are rich in various nutrients, antioxidants, fibers, and, most importantly, vitamin C. It will improve the growth of the newborn baby and the metabolism of the mother.
6. Is this safe to take with milk?
It can be taken with milk, it act as Mediterranean and fasting the process unless you are suffering from joint pains, arthritis, or any vata disease
- Chemopreventive efficacy of Phyllanthus emblica L. fruit extract on 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene induced oral carcinogenesis – A dose response study. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology.
- Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) suppresses cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in human colon cancer stem cells independent of p53 status via suppression of c-Myc and cyclin D1
- Clinical efficacy of Amalaki Rasayana in the management of Pandu (Iron deficiency anemia) Authors: Shaizi Layeeq and Anup B. Thakar1 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4895756/
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